Wednesday, May 2, 2007

What is Stock Investing?

Are you frustrated in your effort to learn about stock investing? Here is a short overview to stock investing.
Stock investing is a popular tool that many use for creating wealth. Anyone from teenagers to retirees can own stock and many of them do. You can never be too old or too young to be an investor but the faster you start the better off you will most likely be.
So what are stocks anyway?
Stocks are just pieces of a company that you can buy or sell. Basically you become part owner in a company and when the company is doing well usually the stock will do quite well since other investors will want to invest in the company so they can profit.
Why invest in stocks?
People invest in stocks for many reasons, the most obvious one is you can make money doing it but there are other reasons such as it is nice to take part in this pastime and can be a fun and rewarding hobby if you work at it.
What do I need do stock investing?
Before you invest in stocks youll need to open up a brokerage account a broker I use is called Scottrade you can find them here: after you setup the account you need to research stocks and then choose which ones you think would do the best and then take action and invest in the companies.

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