Saturday, May 12, 2007

Five Steps to Make Money from Home

Many advertisers are ready, and anxious, to pay you to watch their offers. You are a click away from the extra money you need. You can begin with as little as $0 but you will save a lot of time -and earn much more- investing some money.

Step 1

Open your e-gold account. It is essential, absolutely necessary, vital. I cannot stress the point enough. Even if you choose to begin with a free membership, you will need an e-gold account to withdraw your earnings. Stay away from sites that propose means of payment that nobody ever know about.
Step 2

If your email address is a yahoo, AOL or hotmail one, no program will accept you. (And you will be lucky if you receive your e-gold account number!)It is time to switch to gmail.
Step 3

Choose the programs you want to join. Spread your membership fees across proven 1%-1.5% programs with a few reliable 2-3% sites peppered in. You will consider programs offering 4%+ only when you already have some solid 1% sites as your foundation. In general higher percentage equals higher risk (with the possible exception of 12DailyPro). Before registering, read the page "Terms and conditions".
Step 4

Stay on plan: a day without surfing is lost. Follow an earning spreadsheet: tick the days you will have to upgrade, report day by day how much you earn. Surfing may easily pay $100 a day if you work seriously.
Step 5

Sit back and auto-surf. It is that simple.

Many programs make ridiculous promises. If you are a beginner in surfing industry, be sure you do not give in to the lure of profit. Join programs that have already be tested by other people.

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