Sunday, September 16, 2007

When Photography Isn't the First Option

Today I hesitated, and watched the skies. Okay, they don't move - something to do with the Firmament being placed there by God, in His wisdom. But the clouds looked as if they might be getting ready to do something nice.
So I tossed a coin. Then I tossed another one, because I lost the first. This new one decided for me: I SHALL go out and see what photos I can take, even if there's nothing worth while.
The trouble is, I wanted to convince myself that there was nothing worthwhile to take a picture of. I was warm and snug at home and there was lots of coffee on tap and some good programmes on TV.
But that changed dramatically; the sky lightened, the sun peeped through, and a glorious sunset descended over the world - well, my part of it anyway. I waited a little longer, and the sky turned red - so red that it seemed on fire. I posted the pictures on the Shutter forums, and I think they're as good as it gets.
Another time, another place, another coin - and I probably wouldn't have gone outside at all. But the moral of the story is, of course: have faith, await inspiration, follow your judgements and dont forget the coffee will still be there when you get home.
Well, thats more than one moral but Im not counting. Im just musing over some great images.

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