Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I Think I See Gold!

I bet you are saying to yourself what in the hell is this person talking about? Now hold on before you judge me, give me a chance to redeem myself and make sense of this whole chapter. Even the title will make sense in just a short while, so just hold on to those opinions and let me have a shot - Thank You!
Let us say your house burned down and all that you were able to get out of it was you and your wife and children. Now do not get me wrong that is the most important thing to get out. At least your family is safe. Yet you are sad because everything you had is gone. All your cloths are gone. You are overwhelmed by the loss you are now suffering. Then a strange thing happens you look down in the ashes and you think you see gold in the fire. Somehow it is different; it is like all your desires.
What this means you are wondering to yourself? It hits you - your house was worth $85000 and they, (the insurance company) are willing to pay you 130,000! This amount staggers you... now you can get a new house and still have enough to get clothes, a TV, and the whole works.
So when things seem bad, look in the ashes and there is surely some gold there. I must let you know, it's from your lowest point that is when you see gold and things turn around for you and this enables you to make it to your greatest heights. Therefore, that is why you should look for gold in the fire. When things look the worst that is when we make it to our greatest heights.
What is another reason to look for the gold? Let us say your marriage is in the dumps. All you do is fight with her, always yelling at one another and all you feel is anger. How do we find gold in the fire? Instead of fueling the fire, you need to look at ways to put the fire out and this will be your gold in the ashes.
Maybe you should work on yourself instead of trying to change her, why not change yourself. Love her for who she is (there is a nugget!) Buy her a rose for no special reason and tell her you love her. You will be surprised at how she will change if you are just willing to kill her with kindness (there is another nugget!)
Therefore, I hope you see how you can see gold in any bad situation. How, with a little effort on your part, you can turn the ashes into whatever you want to. You have the power to turn the gold into anything that you want. Therefore, the next time you see ashes and a fire in a bad situation, know that your greatest triumphs come from your lowest lows.
When you see gold in the fire it may be that little voice inside of you saying hey, it is not so bad here. Is there a way we can get out of this mess and yes that IS a golden nugget - please does not waste it! It truly is a gift from God and you should act on this idea.
Please know if you look in the ashes long enough, you will see the gold! Therefore, hang in there when times get tough as victory is just around the corner. Stop and look for the gold in the ashes and the plan will be given to you before long. You will be saying I think I see gold in the fire!

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